Creating a future where happiness, wellbeing & fulfilment are at the centre of society.

Can technology help us create a joy economy?


The Happiness Foundation is a global think tank focused on the intersection of new paradigms in technology, economics and design. We bring together the world’s best minds to collectively re-imagine how to prioritise happiness, well-being and fulfilment in the design of our future technological and economic systems.


Here we are, at a turning point of human history. The era of superintelligence has arrived, powerful enough to solve humanity’s greatest challenges, or cause deadly catastrophes. We believe responsible artificial intelligence development can unleash humanity’s fullest potential. Aligning AI with humanity’s most important values is not the task of one institute, one company, or one government, it can only be achieved when we all come together. That’s why together with our partners, we’ve initiated haia - Human-AI Alignment Alliance.



  • Mo Gawdat

  • Martin Seligman

  • Shawn Achor

  • Barry Schwartz

  • Robert Waldinger

  • Robin Ince

  • Laurie Santos

  • Derren Brown

  • Sophie Scott

  • Sandro Galea

  • Jim O'Neill

  • William Eimicke

Our Purpose

Solve happiness and the future of human fulfilment in the Singularity Era.

Our Vision

To create a future where happiness, wellbeing & fulfilment are at the centre of society.

Imagine a 2050 where a trillion-dollar company was creating a trillion dollars of joy; where work felt meaningful and fulfilling for everyone; where wellbeing was part of our educational infrastructure; where technology maximises for the enrichment of the human soul; where happiness was our starting point, versus something to be pursued.

Humanity has lifted billions out of poverty, taken steps on the moon, and sent robots to Mars – this is our next step forward.

Dr. Anders Sandberg

“We need value engineering in this industrial revolution.”

Partners and Collaborators


“A map of the world that does not include Utopia is not worth even glancing at, for it leaves out the one country at which humanity is always landing. Progress is the realisation of utopias.”

— Oscar Wilde